What is traceability in pharma?

pharma traceability

There is a growing need for pharmaceutical companies to ensure that their products are safe and effective. This includes everything from product development to distribution. One of the ways in which they can ensure this is by tracking the product throughout its lifecycle, which is called Pharma Traceability.

System that helps companies develop, produce, distribute and sell their products in the safest possible way. It can also help reduce costs and increase revenue by identifying potential issues before they become problems.

Pharma Traceable systems require a lot of data input from different sources like raw materials suppliers, manufacturing facilities, distributors and retailers to be able to produce the information needed for traceability. This makes Pharma Traceable systems expensive to implement, but it’s worth it in the long run because it saves money on recalls 

Pharma Traceable systems require a lot of data input from different sources like raw materials suppliers, manufacturing facilities, distributors and retailers to be able to produce the information needed for traceability. This makes Pharma Traceable systems expensive to implement, but it’s worth it in the long run because it saves money on recalls and

Power of blockchain in the world of pharma

Blockchain is a technology that has been around for quite some time now. It was first introduced as the technology behind Bitcoin, but it has since evolved into something much more than just a digital currency.

The blockchain is changing the game in pharma traceability. The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it impossible to falsify records and track down counterfeits. This means that we are not only able to trace back the source of drugs and their ingredients, but also how they were processed and handled from inception to distribution.

The future of blockchain in pharma traceability looks promising with the increasing number of proofs-of-concept, pilot studies, and trials. However, it remains to be seen how widely this technology will be adopted.

Predictive Analytics and Pharma Traceability

Predictive analytics is the process of using data to make predictions about events. In the pharma industry, predictive analytics can be used to predict drug safety and efficacy.

The use of AI in predictive analytics is not a new concept. It has been around for decades now and has helped companies like IBM with their Watson product.

In terms of pharma traceability, it can be used in order to detect adverse drug reaction or any other type of event that is related to the drug production process.